Saturday, January 15, 2011


You know that he's lying,
But you still choose to ignore.
And though you can live without him,
What would you be living for?

He cheated and you know it,
You can't ignore what's there.
Gotta face the truth,
Instead of pretending you don't care.

And after writing this poem,
I think I can finally see.
That he wasn't worth the time,
And he wasn't good enough for me.

Like everybody say...just ikut gerak hati...gerak hati yg pertama...mmg btol...poem kat atas ni mmg sgt2 bermakna..liar! mmg tak boleh biasalah...kalau dh in a relationship.. of course kita akan...seboleh-boleh nya fight for our love.. keep deny that apa yg kita rasa (sedangkan tu la yg btol)...n sgt confident yg our partner tu btol2 loyal...kau gila! sapa je yg setia dalam dunia ni....hello! wake up! lagi2 kalau long distance relationship. 
there are a lot of factors yg buat partner kita tu MACAM2: (but i just choose ONE)

Long Distance Relationship:

sebenarnya in the positif side....kita bleh menguji...tahap cinta kita. Kalau dh mmg cinta kau tu konon2.....kuat la kan...mmg kau boleh bertahan..tak kira sorang kat sini and sorang kat sana..masalahnya..some poeple ni tak sabar.....cuba utk tak kene gaya...thats gonna be wrong la...kat mata-mata org sekeliling...kita kan hidup bermasyarakat..agak2 la ckit kan..'kau dh ada kau buat mcm kau SINGLE' confius! tak boleh ke kalau antara kawan2 ada boarder...but...i dun think so just kawan...i tak gile lagi.....i can see u from here...

so..negetif is BEGINS ..when...:
kalau dh mmg kau gatal sgt...ditambah pulak dgn ramai pompuan yg mcm sial not gonna be OK mula la..kau nk menipu...keep lying...n mellow drama..sick of it.

BTW, guys.....
u dont have to menyusahkan diri u...nk pikir mcm mane nk menipu bagai...just face it...tellin the truth that u are in love with someone else or what...becoz...lagi u menipu...lagi huru hara hidup u...  our respect pun dh semakin hilang....after sume dh terbongkar....just satu je yg pompuan akan ingat pasal kau... 



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